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Diageo spending more than US$108 million to transition from fossil fuel-powered energy to renewable energy sources at its St. James Gate brewery site in Dublin as part of the company's plan to achieve net-zero status in its direct operations by 2030

UK brewery Trappist launches Tynt Meadow Blond in 330ml amber beer bottle from Beatson Clark’s standard range; Trappist beers are traditionally sold in bottles because they undergo secondary fermentation in the bottle, a process that is ideal in glass

American Rebel to Exhibit at the 153rd NRA Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas

Commentary: Brewers see early signs of volume growth ahead of summer sporting events in Europe, such as Olympics; Barclays says warm summer is more important driver, which could coincide with consumer willingness to spend

Gallo announces entry into beer category with launch of the new Montucky's American Style 'Cold Snack,' a light lager 'designed to be crisp, clean, and refreshing'; beverage developed in collaboration with Montucky Cold Snacks

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