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Trade associations in Chile estimate millions of dollars in damages due to Chile’s new requirements in the Single-Use Plastics Law starting in August; new requirements mean that no food establishment will be able to use products that are not reusable

REPOT BOX announces official launch of its Cannabis Packaging Recycling Rewards Program to divert single-use packaging waste from landfills; REPOT BOX partners with adult use retail dispensaries in New York to collect empty packaging onsite

RI S2850: Updates the existing Toxic Packaging Act by delaying the ban on PFAS in processing agents, until July 1, 2027, and also expands the law by banning PVC and polystyrene in packaging.

Several countries at the international plastics treaty negotiations in Canada propose bans on cigarette filters, the largest source of global plastic pollution; WHO supports bans on cigarette filters and other single-use tobacco plastic waste


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