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Commentary: India's e-commerce market expected to reach US$325B by 2030 due to affordable mobile data costs, smartphone adoption, rise of local language content; Forrester expects over 60% e-commerce demand to come from tier 2-4 towns and villages by 2026

HID partners with Temenos to secure Santander International's mobile banking with authentication technology; HID's mobile client SDK, HID Approve, can be integrated into mobile banking app, supports log-in, transaction signing for secure authentication

Piper Sandler upgrades Dutch Bros to buy from neutral and lifts target US$5 to US$37, citing more positive outlook; sales have nearly doubled in past two years, and coffee chain could see additional growth in 2024 with new mobile order system for its app

Commentary: Tech upgrades for convenience stores that can drive foodservice sales include mobile ordering, kiosks, digital menu boards and AI; examples include Casey's General Stores' use of AI to handle pizza orders, which has reportedly boosted sales

Adobe data reveal holiday shopping on mobile devices surpasses desktop e-commerce for first time; it's paramount retailers focus on improving conversion rate on websites and mobile apps, ensure 'they're not leaving any money on the table'

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