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John Burns Consulting: Four generations of homebuyers have different priorities in home buying; Boomers less motivated to move, Gen X starting to buy move-down homes, millennials moving up from starter homes, and Gen Z compromising to buy first home

Second-home mortgage originations plummet 40% in 2023, with the Bay Area and Austin experiencing the largest declines; majority of the second-home borrowers were affluent, white, Gen Xers: Redfin

US homeownership rate in Q1 was 65.6%, not statistically different from 66.0% in Q1 2023; national vacancy rates were 6.6% for rental housing and 0.8% for homeowner housing: Dept. of Commerce

New Home Trends Institute survey debunks myths about Gen Z home ownership; Gen Z's disinterest in home ownership is due to affordability rather than preference shift, and Gen Z is also less likely to be homeowners than millennials at same stage of life

Home values are growing fastest in the priciest major metros, with over 1 in 5 sellers reducing prices in March, the highest in a decade; the housing inventory and rate lock remain critical deciding factors in market competition this spring: Zillow

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