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Superorganism launches as first venture capital firm dedicated to global biodiversity crisis, aiming to support early-stage technology startups; company has backed tech-driven startups across categories including AI, fintech, forestry, materials

S&P Global: India's huge labor force, promising export sector and booming fintech startup scene are key for its upcoming economic growth; Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh estimated to be India's top growing states over coming decade

Walmart says it is months away from expanding its fintech initiative Cashi in Mexico, following acquisition of fintech company Trafalgar; Cashi is moving away from a 'closed loop' system, allowing users to transact outside of Walmart-owned businesses

AMD Taiwan's Vince Hsu Unveils the Fintech-Semiconductor Symbiosis

Boston Consulting sees fintech revenues growing sixfold from US$245B to US$1.5T by 2030; Asia poised to outpace US as world's largest fintech market, driven by China, India, Indonesia given voluminous underbanked populations, tech-savvy youth/middle class

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