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Constellation Brands to acquire California winery Sea Smoke as company looks to focus on 'higher-end wine'; the deal comes as Constellation has seen its wine sales come under pressure in recent quarters

Canned wine brand Most Wanted is now UK’s bestselling single-serve wine; cans open up new occasions that cannot be serviced by glass, and aluminum is a more sustainable option than glass, according to brand owner Off-Piste Wines

Alpla launches recyclable PET wine bottle that weighs approximately one-eighth of a glass bottle, reduces carbon footprint by up to 50% and allows for price savings of up to 30%; bottle can be made entirely of rPET

RI S2695: Allows for the holder of a manufacturer's license to be able to sell one one-sixth (1/6) barrel key of malt beverage, produced on the premises, per day.

CT HB05149: An Act Concerning Cafe And Package Store Permittees.

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