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Eli Lilly lists Phase 2 interventional clinical trial to investigate weight management with LY3841136 compared with placebo in adult participants with obesity or overweight

Executive Perspective: Nestle working on products to accompany weight-loss drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro, as the food industry evolves in response to the soaring popularity of the appetite-killing drugs, says CEO Mark Schneider

Commentary: Action on Sugar’s recent call for a ban on child-orientated packaging on cereal is a call for creeping regulatory overreach to accelerate, ignores the science around weight loss, represents a slippery slope toward complete brand erosion

Goldman Sachs sees obesity dragging world GDP down by US$4T in 2035, but weight-loss drugs could change that; Novo Nordisk study finds Wegovy reduced chance of heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular deaths by 20%, could help with sleep apnea, addiction

Commentary: Despite popularity of weight loss drugs, US retailers see minimal profit due to low gross margins on branded medications; while increased foot traffic could lead to multiple purchases for Walmart, impact varies for Rite Aid, CVS and Walgreens

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