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New AI model helps detect, identify microplastics in wastewater; tool successfully classifies 11 types of common plastics with more than 95% accuracy, could potentially be used by wastewater treatment plants, food producers to identify microplastics

Researchers develop meltblown mats for oil spill remediation, exhibiting 'superior' oil/water selectivity; inclusion of 10 wt% PP in SEBS considerably enhances fiber melt-blowing processability, resulting in more extensive, evenly spread fiber stream

University of Waterloo reviews progress in sustainable barriers for paper-based food packaging, exploring biobased polymer coatings, active packaging to extend food shelf-life, biodegradability

University of Waterloo researchers have created the 'liquid-liquid encapsulation system,' which potentially eliminates the need for microplastics in the functional ingredient encapsulation process for cosmetic and personal-care product manufacturing

Amount of Canada’s e-waste has tripled in two decades, reaching about 1 million tons in 2020, study finds; large home appliances, such as washing machines, fridges, make up most mass in e-waste stream, while smartphones, laptops dominated by quantity

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