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Study in North Borneo shows rainforest seedlings more likely to survive in natural forests compared to where logging has occurred, even if tree restoration projects have occurred; stress could be due to changes to canopy structure, microclimate and soil

Extreme El Nino weather saw South America's forest carbon sink switch off; researcher says finding provides 'a window into the future' by showing how unprecedented hot and dry weather impacts forests

UK Research & Innovation to invest £6M for three textile, fashion sustainability projects, which include University of Exeter's fiber research, Northumbria University's environmental impact assessments, University of Leeds' analysis of current practices

UK Research and Innovation Council awards £2M to 'AI for Net Zero' project; University of Exeter-led project will design new AI technologies to aid crucial decisions about land use changes, with a focus on initiatives to create new woodlands and forests

University of Exeter partners with DS Smith to launch a circular design challenge; students have been tasked with creating reusable packaging system solutions focusing on the reuse of ecommerce and white goods secondary packaging

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