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US Patent Issued to TOYOTA MOTOR ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING NORTH AMERICA, UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT HEALTH CENTER on March 19 for "Methods, systems, and non-transitory computer-readable mediums for ...

UConn team develops sustainable method to extract chitin, a highly abundant biological polymer, from seafood waste; method uses biobased compounds to extract, can convert chitin into value-added products such as food packaging, fertilizers, cosmetics

University of Connecticut research unveils technology to utilize proteins and clothing scraps to produce non-toxic materials as an alternative to plastics; material is also biodegradable, unlike synthetic polymers

US Patent Issued to TOYOTA MOTOR ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING NORTH AMERICA, UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT HEALTH CENTER on June 27 for "Methods, systems, and non-transitory computer-readable mediums for SSVEP detection" (Connecticut, Michigan Inventors)

Tech vs. Trees: Wooden tongue depressor doubles as diagnostic test for diabetes, Ahlstrom and Tecfil create paper that replaces synthetic materials in car filters, survey finds US office workers of all ages prefer paper

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