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UC Davis’ 10-year pouring rights contract with Pepsi Beverages set to expire in June, leaving university officials with the decision to either renew their contract or search for viable alternatives

Data from two California universities show promising results from implementation of Equitable Access program, which allows students to get all required books for flat rate each semester; student participation in program has increased steadily each year

Scientists sequence genome of whitebark pine--a potential breakthrough in fight to save the tree by helping it endure environmental challenges; sequencing is first step in creating genomic tools to screen trees for disease resistance, climate adaptation

University of California, Davis publishes paper that pinpoints obstacles to using prescribed fire in US West and Baja California, Mexico, and suggests four strategies that policymakers, land managers can take to get more 'good fire' on the ground

University of California, Davis releases five new strawberry varieties that researchers say are resistant to the soil-borne disease Fusarium wilt, have high yields and improved fruit quality

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