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swissQprint users now have option of using PrintFactory RIP software on current swissQprint flatbed, roll-to-roll printers; RIP software covers everything needed for an efficient print and cut workflow in large format production, supports white, varnish

swissQprint now grants 36-month warranty on all of its large format printers; industry standard is 12 months

swissQprint's Nyala flatbed printer is Europe’s top seller for past nine years, and its newest press, Kudu flatbed, is third, according to Geneva-based market research institute Infosource

swissQprint to exhibit its full product lineup at Drupa 2024, including Kudu flatbed printer, Karibu 2 roll to roll printer that can handle applications such as relief, varnish and neon printing, Oryx, Impala and Nyala presses, now in their 4th generation

swissQprint installs 1,276 photovoltaic panels on the roof of its main production hall that will produce around 613,000 kWh of electricity annually; PV system will cover more than 50% of company's electricity demand

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