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Empa's Advanced Fibers lab working with Swiss textile companies to develop PFAS-free, environmentally friendly processes to give fibers water-repellent finish; Innosuisse-funded project uses highly cross-linked siloxanes to create silicone-like layers

Tech vs. Trees: 3D printed cellulose could take shape as microelectronics and medical implants, VTT and furniture maker collaborate on cellulose-based biocomposite chair, New York City's parking meter upgrade eliminates paper receipts

AMAG Classic and Empa study confirms that synthetic fuels can significantly decrease CO2 emissions without impacting performance or emissions in vintage cars; year-long test involved a biosynthetic 98-octane gasoline made from renewable methanol

Empa researchers in Switzerland extract nanocellulose from a waste product of beer brewing and process it into an aerogel, a high-quality biodegradable material that could be used for packaging, especially for temperature-sensitive foods such as meat

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