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South Dakota State University develops transparent, strong and biodegradable films from switchgrass native to North America; perennial prairie tallgrass is made of 58% lignocellulosic material, offering an 'ideal' alternative to petroleum-based plastics

Scientists create biodegradable packaging films from lignocellulosic fiber from avocado peels; crosslinking fibers with calcium ions reduces moisture content, moisture absorption, water vapor permeability, water solubility, transparency, break elongation

South Dakota State University study shows that spent coffee grounds can be transformed into biodegradable packaging films that could one day replace plastic; films can biodegrade within 45 days in the soil while also having high tensile strength

Animal research and diagnostic lab at South Dakota State University confirms presence of Anthrax in a beef herd West of the Missouri River; CDC lists Anthrax as a serious infectious disease caused by gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria known as bacillus

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