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Scientists use enzyme pretreatment to improve refining of OCC-pulp-reconstituted paper; process uses xylanase-cellulase/glutamic acid for pretreatment, effectively fibrillates fibers, removes surface lignin-carbohydrate complex polymer to strengthen bond

Packaging Design Wrap-Up: Marie Kondo repurposes Barilla pasta packaging as shipping boxes for clothing; gin distiller uses unfair packaging to highlight gender pay gap in UK; biodegradable garment bag absorbs moisture and can be flipped for second use

South China University of Technology researchers study lithium dendrite puncturing resistance of nonwoven separators in batteries; study finds nonwoven separators are susceptible to dendrite puncturing, highlighting need for further reduction in pore size

Scientists find that microbiota have the potential to improve soy sauce flavor; five of 15 potential flavor-producing bacteria were verified, with Lactobacillus fermentum being the most significant

Researchers create biobased intelligent food packaging component using chitosan, aldehydes from essential oils; component releases aldehyde buffers in response to broccoli respiration, extends broccoli shelf-life up to 7 days from control's 4 days: study

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