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French plant-based food products brand Bonduelle transitions from traditional laminated metallized films to a recyclable, non-laminated monomaterial PE film for its frozen bags; film developed by ExxonMobil and Constantia Drukpol

Morinaga Milk updates packaging design for its renewed MOW Vanilla cup ice cream; packaging retains the symbolic spherical design while adopting a realistic design and enhancing the milk sizzle sensation on side of the package

Pinkberry announces limited-time offerings of the new Mango Lemonade frozen yogurt, Passion Mango Crushed Tea and Watermelon Crushed Tea

UK-based vegetarian food brand Cauldron Foods launches new packaging across its range; brand says the redesigned packaging is ‘fun and colourful,’ with over 90% of consumers saying it was positively different verses other chilled products available

Ecolean launches Ecolean Air 125 format, a 125 ml package for the chilled segment; Ecolean Air 125 is designed to fit into a school backpack, gym bag, back pocket or the palm of your hand, and is available in China

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