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UK-based environmental solutions company Urbaser to install Recycleye AI-powered waste picking robot for recycling facility in Algimia, Spain in H1; Recycleye's technology records data on collected objects, can detect black plastics, same material types

Recycleye receives innovation award at FANUC Global Partner Awards in Japan; Recycleye's technology combines proprietary AI vision technology with FANUC 6-axis LR Mate robots, increases sorting accuracy by 12%, line output by up to 10%

Recycleye, Valorplast, TotalEnergies achieve world-first in food-grade PP mechanical recycling via AI-powered sorting project; sorting achieves 50% successful pick rate of food-grade material, with more than 95% purity

Recycleye’s UK bestseller robot draws crowds at RWM 2023; company's technical sales manager discusses robots' successes, applications for recycling facilities

Recycleye's use of AI technology, Fanuc robots for automated sorting of dry mixed recyclables, improves accuracy by 12%, line output by 10%; technology provides solution for labor shortages in waste management, can pick up to 33,000 items/robot in 10 hrs.

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