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Researchers develop method to capture CO2 from atmosphere via large-scale CO2 removal systems powered by geothermal energy; cost-efficient method uses natural heat stored beneath Earth's surface within deep saline aquifers, creates minimal pollution

Study finds Lake Erie water treatment plants in Ohio can remove microplastics, with nanoplastic removal concentrations ranging from 46%-87%; backed by US$150,000 Ohio Sea Grant, study follows recent report of plastic particles in bottled water

US adults tend to consume up to 500 calories throughout the day in non-nutritious treats, making up nearly a quarter of their daily calorie intake and about one-third of daily added sugar, according to Ohio State University research

Ohio State University study finds slash-and-burn agriculture can increase forest biodiversity; study finds Indigenous farmers' practices had positive impacts on forests in Belize

Honda and Ohio State University collaborate to establish US$22.0M, 25,000 square-foot battery cell R&D center to speed up domestic battery cell material and manufacturing technology development; center set to open in 2025

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