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Danone partners with Resilience to create nutrition module for cancer patients, aiming to address cancer-related malnutrition, which affects up to 70% of patients; the module is integrated into Resilience's digital oncology solution

Nestle Snapshot: launch of home-compostable paper Nespresso capsules in France, Switzerland has been 'well received'; company is developing companion products amid rise of GLP-1 agonists to address associated risk of malnutrition, loss of muscle mass

Danone invests $15.8M in Luleburgaz, Turkey, plant expansion for medical nutrition products Fortinel and Fortini; the factory will continue producing both medical nutrition and fresh dairy products

ClinicalTrials.gov registry includes a study on the influence of persistent food allergies on the nutritional status of children; study to investigate if food allergies lead to lower intake of micronutrients, inhibited growth and increased malnutrition

Illnesses such as scurvy and rickets are rebounding in the UK as malnutrition rates have risen four-fold over the last 15 years, doubled over the last decade, per NHS England; experts say situation will worsen due to cost-of-living crisis

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