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Aquapak Polymers announces its Newcastle University Chemistry Undergraduate award-winning Stage 3 Industry Challenge; students are tasked with identifying new ways of recycling complex polymer packaging structures

Mycelium concrete could revolutionize low-carbon building construction, potentially leading to far-reaching changes that reduce construction's environmental footprint; researchers at UK's Newcastle University outline a new method of making 'myocrete'

UK Research and Innovation investment of £53M in six research centers is expected to drive change in energy system, help meet UK’s 2050 net zero target; £15M is for a new Energy Demand Research Centre, co-led by Newcastle University

Mycocrete, a paste made with fungi, can be combined with a knitted textile framework to create eco-building designs; UK researchers aim to transform look, feel of buildings using mycelium combined with biobased materials such as wool, sawdust, cellulose

Tropical forest birds with short, round wings more sensitive to habitat fragmentation, not good at relocating; temperate forest birds more built for dispersal include woodpeckers, robins, jays, cardinals, owls, turkeys, hawks and eagles: study

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