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Icahn School of Medicine researchers discover psychedelic drugs' therapeutic effects on depression, anxiety originate from underappreciated brain receptor, 5-HT1A; research highlights potential for designing non-hallucinogenic mental health treatments

Study shows that withdrawing aspirin and keeping high-risk heart patients on ticagrelor a month after a percutaneous coronary intervention improves outcomes and reduces bleeding by over half; the findings may change worldwide standard of care guidelines

Mount Sinai researchers identify how a family of proteins activate immune cells related to inflammatory bowel disease; discovery may potentially lead to new treatments for conditions such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease

Mount Sinai study finds stopping aspirin one month after coronary stenting procedures significantly reduces bleeding complications in heart attack patients

Mount Sinai study finds inter-atrial shunts may benefit heart failure patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, but harm those with preserved LVEF; further studies needed to confirm these findings

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