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Mespack launches new MLC Series, a vertical form-fill-seal machine for large-format sachet manufacturing with a very small footprint; MLC Series can reach up to 2,400 envelopes per minute

Mespack identifies eco-friendly and biodegradable packaging as a growing trend in pet food applications as consumers increasingly demand sustainable products; portioned and on-the-go pet food packaging also gains popularity due to busy consumer lifestyles

Mespack, Notpla join forces to adapt Notpla's biodegradable polymer for use with Mespack's horizontal and vertical FFS machinery; companies are also developing an edible film that will adapt to productions on hydroforma machines for water-soluble capsules

Mespack, watttron formalize ongoing collaboration to develop smart digital sealing technology for both horizontal, vertical form fill and seal machines, hydroforma soluble pods equipment

Mespack's new vertical form-fill-seal machine for pharmaceutical products is integrated with Famartec's cartoning machine to produce, insert stick packs into cartons offering turnkey solutions

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