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Researchers develop eco-friendly technique to recycle used surgical masks into hydrogen, syngas for energy applications; process uses plasma gasification on defective FFP2 face masks, which were shredded then converted to granules for controlled treatment

Researchers produce green fuel by upcycling cigarette waste; pyrolysis process extracts triacetin--a plasticizer found in the cigarette filter--and converts it in non-toxic biodiesel: Kaunas University of Technology

Researchers use pyrolysis to extract benzoic acid from PET nonwoven fabric waste; PET fabric completely degrades under 490°C, loses 84% weight, recovers 134% more benzoic acid from PET fabric than from PET bottles: study

Study finds most influential factors for delaminating multilayer plastic waste for recycling; ultrasound is most influential factor, followed by nitric acid concentration, with results potentially informing more efficient methods for layer separation

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