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Kaiser Permanente Celebrates Nursing Excellence and Fosters Nationwide School Health in Strategic Health Initiatives

Healthcare technology firm Innovaccer partners with Kaiser Permanente to implement its AI platform for value-based care initiatives, starting with Washington market; Innovaccer's platform also chosen for California PHM Initiative

Kaiser Permanente names Sam Glick as EVP for enterprise strategy and business development to replace Paul Swenson, who is stepping down; Glick previously served as global leader of health and life sciences at management consulting firm Oliver Wyman

Kaiser Permanente notifies 13.4 million members of a data breach from April; breach tracked to online technologies that shared patient information with third-party vendors like Google and Microsoft

Kaiser Permanente launches Food Is Medicine Center of Excellence; the center to serve as a hub for evidence-based food and nutrition programs, expand professional training and resources, and increase public awareness of Food Is Medicine initiatives

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