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i4F announces Benchwick has signed an i4F digital printing license agreement, covering Benchwick’s decorative panels which are digitally printed and digitally embossed using a Hopetech digital printing line

Hymmen receives new patent approvals from European and Chinese authorities for its digital embossing technologies for flooring; the patents, accessible via an i4F license, cover Hymmen's DLE plus and competing technologies for flooring, wall panels

Vietnam's Jufeng signs licensing agreements for i4F's AquaProtect and drop-lock technologies for laminate flooring market; AquaProtect protects laminate HDF from water swell by up to 75%, while drop-lock enables 30% faster, easier flooring installation

i4F will be exhibiting at TISE Surfaces 2024; company will present new ClikDek smart fixing decking technology, two new i4F Be-GREEN board composition technologies--plastic- and PVC-free, bio-based cork composite, fully recyclable SRP technology

i4F enters patent partnership with HMTX Industries to secure exclusive rights over HMTX’s recyclable flooring technology, SRP Rigid Core TPU, to third-party decorative panel manufacturer; tech upcycles two PET plastic bottles per square foot of flooring

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