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Study reveals sewage, not fertilizer, is the main cause of algal blooms, environmental distress in Florida's Indian River Lagoon; 79% of water way's nitrogen comes from septic systems, 21% comes from residential fertilizers: Florida Atlantic University

Michigan State University team is developing tools to measure PFAS in wastewater biosolids, soil, crops on US$2M EPA grant ; schools' Center for PFAS Research to hold East Lansing symposium on PFAS remediation for soil, crops on Oct. 22-24

Japanese farmers return to using human waste as fertilizer on soaring chemical fertilizer prices; City of Tome has sold out of human waste fertilizer--known as shimogoe--with sales up 160% year-over-year by March on Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Maine may legalize composting of human remains via new House bill; if passed, Maine would become seventh state to legalize human composting, joining Washington, Oregon, California, Vermont, Colorado and New York

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