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Greenpeace UK disrupts Unilever's annual general meeting in protest against Dove's plastic pollution; activists showered board members with black paper doves, representing signatures calling for Dove to abandon single-use plastic

Greenpeace leadership says Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Global Plastics Treaty accommodates the fossil fuel and petrochemical industry; talks disregarded plastic production cuts, group says

Resolute, Greenpeace resolve long-running litigations; Greenpeace states criticism was always aimed at Resolute’s legal operations in forests that Greenpeace believes need more protection, while Resolute states commitment to boreal forest sustainability

Greenpeace calls for Global Treaty to reduce plastic production and end single-use plastic pollution at INC-4 meeting; group also urges the setting of reduction, reuse and refill targets, and calls for elimination of bad faith influence in negotiation

Greenpeace Canada welcomes Canadian government's introduction of a Federal Plastics Registry; further action should include reduction targets on overall plastic production, group says

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