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Regeneron Pharma Applies for Patent on Non-Human Animals Expressing Ph-Sensitive Immunoglobulin Sequences

PacBio announces PureTarget panel to thoroughly examine 20 genes linked to severe neurological conditions; panel offers streamlined methodology for quicker processing of thousands of samples worldwide and will be available from March 25

Bristol-Myers Squibb Champions Genetic Heart Disease Awareness and Clinical Trial Advancement Across Global Divisions

Biogen's QALSODY, a treatment for the rare genetic form of ALS known as SOD1-ALS, receives a positive recommendation from CHMP; if approved, QALSODY would become the first treatment to target a genetic cause of ALS in the EU

Pierre Fabre Laboratories marks Rare Disease Day on Feb. 29; it highlights its partnerships and innovative treatments for rare genetic diseases in children, such as its work with EspeRare Foundation to treat XLHED, Atara Biotherapeutics for EBV+ PTLD

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