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Ence finalizes first dividend for 2024 as pulp prices continue to recover with unprecedented speed in 2024 after bottoming out in 2023; forecasts point to possibility of exceeding US$1,440/tonne next month, which would be another all-time high

Ence records Q1 profit of €9.5M, driven by increase in pulp prices and greater volume of renewable energy generation, which adds to company's significant reduction of costs it achieved in 2023; Ence's Q1 EBITDA up 78% from previous quarter to €45M

Ence biofactory in Navia begins annual technical shutdown, which will last until April 22, when it will resume normal operations; Ence to invest over €14M during stoppage for ambitious work plan to incorporate new technologies, improve existing ones

Ence - Energía y Celulosa Commits to Growth and Diversification in Pulp and Renewable Energy, Foreseeing Strong Prospects Amid Rising Pulp Prices and Strategic Expansion for 2024-2028

Ence has 'good prospects before us,' Ence president says, as company reaffirms commitment to growing, diversifying businesses in pulp, renewable energies; 'We will continue to do so in the years to come, even beyond the 2024-2028 strategic framework'

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