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City of New Milford, Connecticut, halts plans to build a community ball field on a property owned by K-C due to recent class-action lawsuit filed by residents alleging the company's manufacturing practice contaminated their properties and wells with PFAS

Connecticut sate lawmakers vote to advance Senate bill prohibiting use of PFAS used in certain household products and textiles; bill now awaits final approval by the governor

Volvo China Open avoids over 350,000 single-use plastic water bottles during the event via alliance with Bluewater, a water purification innovator; golf fans had access to clean water served ambient, chilled, sparkling or warm from over 21 water stations

CA AB2454: Drinking water: rental property: domestic well testing.

NY S00239: Enacts the "New York open water data act"; directs certain agencies, under the leadership of conveners, to identify and integrate key water data sets; provides duties and an annual plan for data to be researched and reported.

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