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Blue Ocean Closures launches Over-cap, a fiber-based cap that’s recyclable as paper; Over-cap has been developed and adapted specifically for aseptically packaged products and is a drop-in solution for producers

Rottneros invests in Blue Ocean Closures, a Swedish start-up that’s developed technology to produce fiber-based closures for consumer packaging at large scale; the technology and material have potential for more high-volume use cases

Blue Ocean Closures enters into new partnership with Coca-Cola's EMEA R&D facility in Brussels; Blue Ocean's fiber-based screw cap, which is biobased and recyclable, is set to be tested and further developed at the facility

Arla Foods is teaming up with Blue Ocean Closures in a formal partnership to create a fiber-based cap for its milk cartons; cap could be a first in the dairy industry, would reduce Arla's plastic consumption by more than 500 tonnes annually if implemented

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