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Study on forest carbon sink trading's impact in China from 2018 to 2030, shows that trading significantly boosts country's forest stock, carbon sequestration; country's implementation of trading likely to result in degree of carbon leakage on global scale

Tech vs. Trees: Colombian project repurposes confiscated timber into beehives, researchers develop method to upcycle discarded paperboard into packaging foam, Southwest Airlines and Silk Way West Airlines transition to paperless systems

Scientists upcycle waste paper into biodegradable foam material for cushion packaging, thermal insulation; waste paper does not require chemical pretreatment, produces foam material when combined with PVA, can be used for parachute-free airdrop packages

Researchers upcycle paperboard waste into foam that is said to be stronger, more insulating than plastic foam-based cushioning; researchers blended scraps to create a pulp, mixed it either with gelatin or PVA glue, then freeze-dried molds to form the foam

Scientists find impregnating poplar wood with bio-based flame materials such as chitosan and tannic acid enhances flame retardancy without negatively affecting mechanical properties of wood; study uses bio-based flame retardant containing transition metal

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