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Autoblog Highlights Alpine's Hydrogen Concept, China's Record Car Exports, and NHTSA's Probe into Fisker's Braking System

Autoblog Highlights Biden's Upcoming China Tariffs Impacting EVs, Lucid's New 'Earth' SUV, Tesla's Charging Team Layoffs, Mazda's CX-90 Design Choices, and Mandatory Emergency Braking Systems

Autoblog Reveals Bentley's V8 Swan Song, Tesla's Strategic Shift, and Challenges in EV Market Transition

Autoblog Reveals Industry Shaping Moves: Kia's EV3 and EV6 Innovations, Tesla's Workforce Reductions, Audi's E-Tron Upgrade, Toyota's Hybrid Dominance, and NHTSA's Tesla Probe

Autoblog Reveals Industry Shifting Moves: Tesla's Layoffs, Jeep's Electrification Expansion, Subaru's Forester Redesign, and Nio's European Market Entry

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