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Freedonia highlights greening of e-commerce ready packaging, such as Amazon expanding its Ships In Product Packaging initiative across US and Canada; e-commerce giants like Amazon and Alibaba are at the forefront, setting rigorous standards for suppliers

Alibaba records 14% increase in the number of active B2B buyers across the US between March 1-18 during this year's March Expo, the company's annual online trade fair that connects buyers and sellers from around the world

Alibaba Group reportedly raises US$317M from the sale of about 33 million of US-traded shares of EV Maker XPeng

Alibaba Group Holdings' supermarket chain Freshippo--also known as Hema Fresh--announces that Hou Yi will step down as CEO; current CFO Yan Xiaolei to become new CEO

Alibaba Group plans to invest US$1.1B in Korea over the next three years, as it seeks to build a logistics center and expand businesses, company says

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