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Algae products market for cosmetics to hit US$1.10B by 2031 at CAGR of 9.6%; growth driven by consumer preference for cruelty-free and vegan cosmetics, awareness regarding health benefits of organic cosmetics, restrained by production complexities: report

University of Maine researchers aim to develop highly refined pulp cellulose and seaweed-based coatings for paper packaging applications; coatings could offer barrier properties without the use of PFAS

Marine ingredients, or 'blue beauty,' are increasingly being used in cosmetics for beneficial properties, while advanced science ensures sustainable harvesting; Omorovicza, Beauty Kitchen among brands recently innovating with microalgae-based ingredients

Material innovation in fashion has largely focused on upcycling textile waste, creating leather alternatives, but conversation has shifted to replacing synthetic fibers with recyclable fibers, natural fibers made from algae, shrimp shells, mushrooms, more

DIC highlights new algae oil products designed for use in sustainable lubricants for automotive and electric vehicle industries; latest light-colored sulfurized triglyceride mixtures are in testing phase

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