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Plastics Industry Assn. highlights work done between ExxonMobil, Cyclyx, TenCate to recycle artificial turf in new video; as part of Recycling Is Real campaign, video aims to show how recycling happens, where it happens, and people who make it happen

Cyclyx to build first Circularity Center in Houston, using company's proprietary recycling technology; US$135M facility, backed by ExxonMobil and LyondellBasell, to process up to 300 million lbs./year of plastic waste for recycling, starting in mid-2025

Nashville's innovative plastics recycler, Again Technologies, joins Cyclyx consortium to promote plastics circularity; Again's technological focus reduces energy consumption, water use, overall carbon footprint

Intellectual Property India Publishes Patent Application for 'Systems And Methods For Recycling Waste Plastics' Filed by Agilyx Corporation

LyondellBasell acquires 25% stake in Cyclyx, a JV by Agilyx and ExxonMobi; acquisition to speed up innovation, infrastructure development for a nationwide circular economy for plastics

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