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Packaging Design Wrap-Up: Accordion-style packaging celebrates the art of noodle-making; Coca-Cola crushes logo and cans for recycling campaign; brand launches digital detox tools reminiscent of fish tins

Talon International partnering with Seaman Paper’s Vela to bring sustainable packaging solutions to customers; Vela transparent paper bags protect garments and other products from dirt, dust and moisture during transit and are recyclable, FSC certified

ProAmpac says its RotiBag for ready-made meals offers a significant reduction in packaging material; RotiBag features a clear window to showcase products and a built-in handle for easy carrying

M&S introduces recyclable paper packaging across its range of sandwiches and toasties in its Cafes across the UK, reducing plastic by 79%; small window allows customers to see product inside but is accepted by recyclers for the paper waste stream

Indian organic brand Nature Land Organics introduces recyclable stand-up pouch with transparent window and zip-lock that ensures ingredients remain fresh for a longer time; packaging will be marked with the On-Pack Recycling Label with a Mobius Loop

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