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Parcel Health unveils Tully Tube paper-based pill bottle made with 53% less plastic than traditional ones; Tully Tube’s coating protects medications from moisture, and its plastic and paper components can be easily separated for recycling, composting

Carbon negative materials firm Origin Materials partnering with machine producer PackSys Global to produce a PET cap, closure manufacturing system to enhance recycling circularity and enable monomaterial containers, lighter packaging, improved shelf life

Mutual fund Green Century convinces Costco, Disney, Marriott, Hilton, Mattel, Hasbro and Choice Hotels to commit to reducing single-use plastic through shareholder advocacy; efforts aided by PIRG, Environment America and Environmental Action

Greenpeace calls for Global Treaty to reduce plastic production and end single-use plastic pollution at INC-4 meeting; group also urges the setting of reduction, reuse and refill targets, and calls for elimination of bad faith influence in negotiation

European Parliament adopts new measures to reduce, reuse and recycle packaging; rules include reduction targets of 5% by 2030, 10% by 2035 and 15% by 2040 and require EU countries to reduce, in particular, amount of plastic packaging waste

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