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Nigerian women, particularly those with heavy menstrual bleeding, are using baby diapers for menstrual hygiene due to rising costs for pads; physicians raise concerns over potential skin and vaginal infections, urge government to subsidize costs for pads

South Carolina Senate passes bill to exempt taxes on feminine hygiene products, now heads to the governor; decision will apply to menstrual products including pads, tampons and menstrual cups

CO HB1164: Free Menstrual Products to Students

Egal Pads partners with portable restroom provider Throne to install its patented Pads on a Roll in portable restrooms, aiming to provide easy access to menstrual pads in public places like airports and stadiums

Essity Mexico's new biodegradable sanitary napkins, V-bio, are made from renewable sources such as corn, wheat, and organic cotton; the napkins, launched under the Saba brand, decompose within a year to reverse environmental impact of menstrual products

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