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PwC sees drought risk increasing sharply for key crops, as 90% of world's rice production could face significant heat stress by 2050, up from 75% today; over 30% and 50% of maize and wheat, respectively, could face significant drought risk by 2050

PA SB1198: PA bill aims to protect plants and pollinators by granting powers to the Department of Agriculture and establishing the Plant and Pollinator Protection Program.

CA AB2509: California bill redefines integrated pest management and invasive species.

NY S09656: Requires establishment of grant program to help small and medium-sized farms transition to plant-based agriculture.

Commentary: Food industry faces 'sogflation' due to high rainfall and flooding, causing rising commodity prices and damage to crops like wheat and corn; livestock farmers also negatively impacted, with loss of use of grazing land for animals

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