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WM celebrates US$23M upgrade at its Pittsburgh recycling facility, allowing faster material sorting and expanded material acceptance with AI-driven equipment; facility can now accept PP plastics, will start up glass cleaning system for better end-use

Brightmark joins Drawdown Georgia Business Compact, which aims to achieve statewide decarbonization by 2050; Brightmark's Plastics Renewal technology recycles hard-to-recycle plastics into circular products

GFL's new material recovery facility in Calgary, Alberta, starts operations; facility can process up to 400 tonnes/day of material with advanced AI technology, including an OCC separator, optical sorters, ballistics separators

AI-powered machine at Residential Recycling Center increases efficiency by sorting recyclable items by shape and color; public urged to understand and follow proper metal recycling guidelines

AMP Robotics installs AMP ONE advanced recycling system at Pitt County Recycling Center in Greenville, North Carolina, owned an operated by RDS; system includes AI-powered sortation at scale

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