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Packaging Design Wrap-Up: Accordion-style packaging celebrates the art of noodle-making; Coca-Cola crushes logo and cans for recycling campaign; brand launches digital detox tools reminiscent of fish tins

Arthritis Foundation, Target partnering to develop Ease of Use Design Guides for product, packaging design; first two guides focus on 'Rigid Packaging - Bottles' and 'Bases and Components,' and four additional guides are in development for household goods

Fres-co System USA launches EZHANDLE pouch format that blends the strength of a bucket with the convenience of flexible packaging; the reclosable, high-barrier pouch has a proprietary handle that stays intact after opening, collapses down for space-saving

UPM extends its partnership with Pentawards, the global platform and community for packaging design; in 2024, UPM is one of the main sponsors of Pentawards and sponsors the Sustainable Design category in the Pentawards competition

Jarsking Group is a cosmetic packaging company that deals in glass and plastic packaging solutions, mostly supplying the cosmetics, skincare, fragrance industries; group has over 20 interlinked factories, offers design and customization capabilities

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