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KFC UK & Ireland wins 2023 Solenis Sustainability Award for its JV with Diversey; the program improved cleaning efficiency in restaurants and significantly reduced consumption of cleaning products and related packaging

Mimaki USA announces new paper-based packaging for its SS21 eco-solvent 440ml ink cartridges; new packaging replaces plastic housing for ink cartridges and is intended to reduce plastic waste and CO2 emissions

Packaging for Apple Pencil Pro comes in five different designs that are 'uncharacteristically joyful,' with each one spelling out the word 'Pro,' according to Creative Bloq; YouTuber Arun Maini says 'you have no idea which you'll get when you order it’

Berlin Packaging introduces BUNCKER, a UN-rated packaging solution for transportation, storage and handling of lithium batteries, to US market; BUNCKER has a pallet-based packaging design that allows units to be stackable, forklifted on all sides

Packaging Design Wrap-Up: Designer upcycles TV packaging into versatile furniture; silicone reusable cup can fit in pockets thanks to twisted design; pet food brand serves up treats in pet-shaped pouches

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