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Skin-care brand Beekman 1802 partners with influencer marketing platform Traackr, nonprofit Kindness.org to study role kindness plays in social sphere among beauty influencers; Gen Z considers influencers' values as much as their product recommendations

Carvana Options Trading: A Deep Dive into Market Sentiment

Novartis conducts an awareness survey to find out the difference in awareness between doctors and hypertensive patients - Reasons why treatment cannot be strengthened, doctors prioritize medication-re...

Commentary: Plant-based meat company Impossible Foods can’t repackage in a way that will attract right-wing carnivores; the ‘Meat Culture Wars’ won’t end by switching from green packaging to red or by adding meaty descriptors

Research commissioned by Elopak shows majority of shoppers in UK, Germany are happy to purchase items such as laundry detergent, fabric softener and hand soap in cartons made from paperboard; figures were similarly positive for cartons as a refill pack

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