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South Korean cosmetics firm Skinidea creates new skincare brand MDP aimed at US market, following its acquisition by Morgan Stanley Private Equity; expansion targets also include Japan and enhancing the global presence of its flagship brand MEDIPEEL

Morgan Stanley rates Amcor at equal weight, noting solid fiscal Q3 results with improved margins; company's expectation of abating de-stocking and top-line inflection point are encouraging, while cost-out initiatives appear to be working

Morgan Stanley expects ice cream to be most affected food category in light of GLP-1 drugs' popularity, with 5.3% dip in consumption by 2035; cakes, cookies, candies, chocolates, frozen pizzas, chips and regular sodas could fall by over 4% in this time

Morgan Stanley expects US dollar to continue as world's primary reserve currency despite mounting debt levels in US, uptick in global geopolitical risks; analyst cites lack of strong contenders such as Chinese yuan for dollar's resilience

Morgan Stanley: Tobacco industry has reason to fret about GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic; survey finds 40% smoked cigarettes at least weekly before starting drug, and number fell to 24% after treatment, while weekly e-cigarette usage fell from 30% to 16%

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