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GXO Logistics renews its contract with Mars in France; GXO manages storage, distribution, returns and value added-services for a number of Mars brands across its Snacking and Food & Nutrition segments

UK logistics company Wincanton's directors withdraw support for CMA CGM’s CEVA Logistics' takeover bid, favoring GXO Logistics' higher offer; GXO tops CEVA's bid by 26%, representing more than double the value of Wincanton before bidding began

Nestlé: GXO Logistics launches its first Pets At Work scheme at East Midlands Gateway in the UK

European online pet platform, zooplus, GXO Logistics partner on new fulfillment center in Bor, Czech Republic; warehouse expands on zooplus' current logistics infrastructure, adding 60,000-sq-m. parcel fulfillment capacity with automation solutions

GXO teams with Blue Yonder to deploy end-to-end software solution to power shared warehousing solution, GXO Direct, in US; solutions to enable faster customer onboarding, startups and tech integration, use real-time data to enhance inventory management

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