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Vermont lawmakers pass bill to categorize timber theft as land improvement fraud; bill also increases fines and jail time for offenses, with convicted timber thieves to be added to existing home improvement fraud registry

Austria's Johannes Kepler University develops Airborne Optical Sectioning, which uses real-time occlusion calculations to reveal objects that would normally be concealed under dense vegetation; AOS has potential to detect fires beneath the forest canopy

Forest Stewardship Council releases Interim Forest Stewardship Standard for Ghana, effective August 1; over eight million hectares have been lost since 1900, with nearly one million hectares disappearing in recent years

Study shows that shift from tropical rainforest to palm oil plantations in Kais River watershed in Papua New Guinea led to 16.9% rise in sedimentation; study highlights urgent need for sustainable land management in face of expanding palm oil production

Study shows one storm in New England can cause loss of 4.6-9.4% of aboveground forest carbon, exceeding annual carbon sequestration rate of region's forests; downed carbon takes about 19 years to become net emission, a century for 90% of it to be emitted

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