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CEFLEX urges negotiators at upcoming INC-4 meeting for a global plastics treaty to focus on mandatory legislation on product design and effective EPR and waste management to enforce the transition to a circular economy for flexible packaging

Dawn Manjaji, process engineer at Dutch National Test Centre for Circular Plastics, shares insights from a recent industrial near-infrared study conducted for CEFLEX, which shows how different designs of flexible packaging affect sortability

Sandra Beckamp, managing director at Institut cyclos-HTP, discusses how a unique and in-depth near-infrared study with CEFLEX showed how different designs of flexible packaging affect recognition and sortability

Near infrared test program led by CEFLEX reveals factors influencing the sorting of flexible packaging materials in different recycling streams; report provides extensive new data to boost circular design decisions

CEFLEX says UN’s Global Plastics Treaty is a chance to harmonize approaches and speed progress in the plastics sector, including flexible packaging, and offers possibilities to promote recycling, improve EPR, and reform collection, sorting, recycling

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