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British Glass unveils ‘Vision for the future of glass packaging,’ a video highlighting the glass industry’s commitments to reaching net-zero targets and how glass is the perfect material for fitting into a world aiming to eliminate carbon emissions

British Glass publishes UK Glass Packaging Recycling Statistics Report 2024; report sets out publicly available data on UK household recycling statistics, PRNs, post-consumer glass prices and environmental benefits, covering data from 2015 to 2023

British Glass, in collaboration with WRAP, release comprehensive roadmap outlining the steps necessary to achieve a 90% glass recycling capture rate by 2030 and increase closed loop recycling

British Glass outlines 'key strategic pillars' for the industry in 2024--'Power decarbonization,' 'Recycle it right' and ‘Futureproof skills’--as well as specific policy recommendations designed to help the glass industry on the way to decarbonization

British Glass CEO urges separate collection of glass waste to maintain recycling efficiency, in response to UK's Simpler Recycling reform; group says glass, metal waste can be comingled for easier separation, since both are 100% recyclable

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