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Tesco and suppliers including Andrex, Aquafresh and Radox team up to distribute personal care items to those in need through charity In Kind Direct; for every two purchases of selected hygiene products, a third item goes to In Kind Direct

Tesco partners with EagleAI to launch ‘Clubcard Challenges,’ offering AI-powered personalized challenges to customers that rewards them when completed; challenges include spending a certain amount on particular product categories

Retail technology solutions provider StrongPoint names Neil McCourt as strategic advisor; McCourt formerly served as Tesco's retail managing director and at Amazon as VP for Fulfilment in Europe

Tesco rolling out a dedicated bay across 189 branches; the new bay stocks products including vitamin drinks, kombuchas and CBD beverages

Elopak announces that Tropicana’s newly launched ambient Rise & Shine juice drink in Tesco in the UK is available in 850ml Pure-Pak cartons

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